Eric Lee

Black Belt | Initially I started BJJ to learn self defense but I’ve always had an interest in martial arts since I used to watch kung fu movies as a kid. I enjoy teaching as it helps develop my own game but more importantly it inspires me when I see others who improve and develop self confidence of their own. Besides BJJ, I also like to lift weights, go rock climbing, cook, go for walks, and spend time with my family. My go to restaurant is Original Joes of Daly City-the warm butter cake will be the best dessert you ever have!

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Belt promotion

We are approaching a very important and special moment, the Belt Promotion!

  • 📅 Belt Promotion – Kids
    Date: October 26th, 2024

  • 📅 Belt Promotion – Adults
    Date: November 2nd, 2024

We invite everyone to be present and celebrate with us! We look forward to sharing this moment with everyone.

A big hug,
The Colhado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team.